Even if you live in a mild climate, your horses require shelter from the weather. A horse shelter also has to withstand the kicks and abuse it takes from horses, so it has to be safe and sturdy. Taking all these factors into consideration, a 3 sided horse barn is the best design which is easy to build and economical. By following good designs, you can make one yourself.
Why go in for it
A 3 sided shelter is especially the way to go if you have limited space. It can shelter your animals even in severe weather conditions. If you have two horses, the ideal size of the barn would be 12 X 24 feet. A panel can be put in the middle to convert the barn into two stalls. You can get designs which help you in making these barns easily.
Inquire about permits
The first thing to be done while building a 3 sided barn with the help of designs is to check with the local authorities if you are allowed to keep horses in your property. Then you would have to find out if a permit is required to build a shelter for them. You would also have to inform your neighbors about your plans.
The location selected should be flat and on high ground. This is so that it will not be prone to flooding or standing water. Water should run away from the shed and not towards it.
You should determine the direction in which the open part of the 3 sided horse shelter would face. In most areas, the north and the west winds are the strongest and hence the back of the building should face this direction.
The type of soil, drainage facilities, access to electricity, water and other utilities and accessibility are other considerations which determine the choice of the location. You would also have to take into consideration any possible future developments.
You would also have to decide on the height of the structure. The height should be such that even a very tall horse should be able to walk in, and not hit the roof even if it throws its head up.
Type of barn
In choosing the most appropriate type from several 3 sided shelter designs, you would consider several things. You would have to consider the kind of horse you would be creating a shelter for. You would also have to consider the kind of riding you normally do. The choice is also determined by whether the horse would spend most of its time in the pasture or in the barn. You would also have to see if you intend to buy more horses in the future.
The above criteria will determine the size of the 3 sided horse shelter. It will also determine the number of stalls you require and the type of utilities.
As for the floor of the 3 sided barn, concrete is best. This is covered with dirt. This is done because dirt is soft for the horses’ to walk on. Rubber mats may also be put on the concrete before putting the dirt for added protection.
Building a 3 sided horse barn with the help of designs can be a great learning experience and a very satisfying one too. You would be also saving a good deal of money by building it yourself than having it built by experts. However the best part is that you are making a study shelter for your horses, which will go a long way in promoting their health and welfare.